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An-Noor Institute

The Rulings of Qurbani

Definition: Qurbani is to sacrifice an animal on Eid-ul-Adha for the one who is not in Hajj.

Status: Waajib (compulsory) to give Qurbani upon the one who meets the following conditions.

Qurbani is Waajib on:

  1. The one who is muslim.

  2. The one who is baaligh (reached puberty).

  3. The one who is sane.

  4. The one who is free.

  5. The one who owns the Nisaab of Zakaah.

    1. But the Nisaab does not have to be held for one complete lunar year.

Rulings of Qurbani:

  1. The time of Qurbani starts from after Eid Salaah on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah till the sunset of the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah. It is better to do Qurbani as early as possible. This timing is for the one living in a town.

  2. The time of Qurbani for the one living in a village starts from after Fajr on the Day of Eid. Similarly, if the one who lives in a town sends his animal to be slaughtered in the village, then his animal can be slaughtered before Eid Salaah.

  3. It is Mustahabb for those that are intending Qurbani to not cut any hair or to clip their nails from the beginning of Dhul-Hijjah till after the Qurbani.

  4. If an animal bought for Qurbani was not slaughtered in the days of slaughter, then it must be given away alive as charity.

  5. The Qurbani can be made from goats and sheep by one share only and from cows and camels by seven shares. The animals can be male or female, but they should be healthy and free from defects.

  6. Goats and sheeps must be at least one year old, the cow must be at least two and the camel must be at least five years old.

  7. It is necessary for everyone to have the Niyyah of Qurbani. If anyone has any other intention, then the Qurbani will not be valid for any of the shareholders.

  8. It is permissible for the person to eat the meat himself or to give the meat to whoever he wishes, but it is Mustahabb to divide the meat into three parts; 1) for home, 2) for relatives, 3) for the poor and needy.

Method of Qurbani:

  1. It is Mustahabb for the person to slaughter the animal themselves, if they are able, otherwise it is Mustahabb to be present while another Muslim slaughters it.

  2. It is Mustahabb to sharpen the knife beforehand away from the animal and to not slaughter an animal in the presence of another animal.

  3. It is Mustahabb to face the Qiblah while slaughtering.

  4. He should lay the throat of the animal towards the Qiblah and recite the Dua.

  5. It is necessary for at least three of the four veins in the throat to be cut, while reciting Bismillaahi Allaahu Akbar, like normal slaughtering.

  6. He should then wait for the animal to turn completely cold before cutting and skinning the animal.

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